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The Top 7 Ways To Reduce Auto Insurance Premiums

Jan 19, 2024 By Susan Kelly

We could all need a break right about now. The rising cost of living and accompanying increase in expenses has everyone looking for methods to save costs wherever they can. In terms of money, it's a chance to take a deep breath, has a little cushion, and relax.

Despite how rare it may seem, amazing auto insurance discounts may still be found on Compare the market. The cost of auto insurance stays the same during the holiday season as it does for other products. You can still get the most affordable vehicle insurance policy with a little bit of legwork on your part.

Compare Several Insurance Companies

Getting quotes from many auto insurance providers is your first and greatest step. Online quote aggregators like, Insurify, QuoteLab, and The Zebra are available.

You may also want to speak with a free agent to negotiate the best deal. An independent insurance agent can help you get the best policy for your needs because they represent many insurers. If you're looking for an honest insurance agent or firm, recommendations from friends and family may help narrow down your options.

Combine Your Insurance Plans

It's more cost-effective to get many plans from the same provider than to buy several from different ones. You can combine homeowner's or renter's insurance with motor insurance. As of March 2020, Farmers provides the biggest bundling discount for home and car coverage, at 22.05%.

Inquire About All Available Coupons

Depending on your driving record, the safety features you have put in your car, and how long you've been with the same insurance provider, you may qualify for a reduction on your auto insurance premium.

It's best to ask for everything that could apply to you and then double-check your final bill to make sure it all appears correctly. For instance, insuring several vehicles with Geico, you may save 25% and get a 40% discount if your vehicles have full front seat airbags.

Choose Comprehensive or Collision Coverage

Liability insurance, which pays for repairs to another driver's vehicle and medical expenses if you cause an accident, is mandatory in practically every state. Although some states require only $20,000 in liability coverage per person and $40,000 per accident, Consumer Reports recommends that drivers carry at least $100,000 in personal injury protection and $300,000 in property damage coverage.

Yet dropping optional coverages like collision and comprehensive might lower your premiums. In an accident involving another vehicle or an immovable object like a telephone pole, collision insurance will pay for repairs to your vehicle.

Increase Deductible

Liability insurance, which pays for damage you do to other people's property in an accident, typically does not need a deductible. Nevertheless, there is a deductible associated with C&C coverage. Insurance prices can be reduced by increasing the deductible you agree to pay.

If your premiums are 10 percent or more of your car's book value, Consumer Reports advises dropping collision and comprehensive coverage. If you keep paying for C&C insurance after a total loss, you may wind up spending more on insurance premiums than you would if you just paid cash for the repairs or replacement.

Consider PPM/Telematics Insurance

Pay-per-mile or telematics insurance can help you save money if you don't put a lot of miles on your car and are a safe driver. Two companies that provide PPM programs are Esurance and Metromile. The annual mileage you put on your vehicle is tracked by both firms using gadgets installed in your vehicle.

Esurance offers lower rates if your annual mileage is lower than 10,000. But, some of the largest insurers take things a step further by installing telematics devices in vehicles to monitor things like hard braking, high speeds, and nighttime travel.

Stay Accident-Free

Getting the highest possible rate might be a direct outcome of your efforts if you are a safe driver. What constitutes a safe driving record varies amongst the main auto insurance providers, but the most common factors are a lack of moving violations and accidents.

Some insurance providers may only consider you a safe driver if you have never filed a claim with them, regardless of blame. For example, a speeding ticket may remain on your record for five years, but a DUI conviction may be there for ten. 10

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